Enrico Passoni
Enrico Passoni (Lecco, 1981) is a translator, editor, author and lecturer. After graduating in European and Extra-European Languages and Literature with the publication of the anthology Cruceiros. Racconti dalla Galizia magica (Edizioni Estemporanee), he translates from the Galician I libri bruciano male (Feltrinelli) by Manuel Rivas. He attends the Mondadori Foundation’s Master in Publishing and works in the editorial staff of Zanichelli’s Great Spanish Dictionary. Author of the children’s book È arrivato il futuro. Alla scoperta del mondo di domani (Electa Kids) and the podcast “BeReady” (Audible/Frame) for high school students, he ranges from fiction to non-fiction, from scholastic to edutainment, collaborating with “Encyclomedia. La storia della civiltà europea” by Umberto Eco and with the “Grande Caccia al Tesoro” in Milan. He is a didactic director at the SSML in Varese, a member of AITI and STradE and a staff member of the Camogli Communication Festival. In his spare time, he enjoys playing music, walking in the mountains and creating cycle routes to travel with his family.
For MIMebù’s Kaleidoscopio series, he published: